As the days get shorter and a chill in the air slowly creeps in, those of us in the Northern Hemisphere prepare for the shift in seasons and welcome the fall equinox. With the first brisk mornings upon us, many of us are reaching for our wetsuits for the first time since spring and leaving behind our long sleeve bathers, reluctantly pulling them on for our morning sessions.
Shorter days and cooler temps inspire within us the instinct to pull back, slow down, and turn inward. We are a part of our natural world, after all, and it is this time of year that flora and fauna alike prepare for their winter rest - welcoming in stillness and a reprieve from the buzz of summer to make space for the rebirth that awaits in spring.
As we honor our natural rhythms ebbing and flowing with the seasons, we'd like to offer three ways you might create space within your busy life to acknowledge and embrace this time as we ease into autumn.
1. Express gratitude , shed what no longer serves you, and regain balance
Take time for pause and reflection. Consider how far you've come in this year.
Make note of what in your life is bringing you gratitude and joy. Be mindful in acknowledging the ways in which those things fill your cup - say them out loud or write them down.
With light and dark hours nearly equal during the fall equinox is the perfect opportunity to usher balance back into your life. Write down your pain points and think of what needs to be shifted so that you can bring yourself back into alignment. If there are things in your life that no longer serve you, it's time to let them go.
We do so much for our own well being by merely creating the space to write these things down or to speak them out loud.

2. Accept the invitation of stillness
Lean into the days getting shorter by consciously disconnecting from technology, if you can. As the day winds down and the sun sets earlier and earlier, resist the urge to turn to your devices. Instead, consider developing a practice of simply being still, even if only for a few minutes a day.
It's easy to never allow oneself the time to really be quiet with our thoughts. The world is literally at our fingertips and while that has so many benefits, it can also be harmful. With so much distraction, it might feel strange to do *nothing,* but sit with that discomfort and listen to what comes to mind.
Active meditation, like breathwork, is something anyone can learn and can help to calm your nervous system after a long day. As surfers, it also never hurts to learn various types breathing techniques that could be beneficial in the water!
Create a ritual around this quiet time by gathering candles, burning some soothing incense (we like the incense and fair-trade SERFOR certified palo santo wood from Incausa) , or doing anything that brings you comfort.

3. Build warm within
There is nothing cozier or more comforting than a warming broth or beverage to gently ease you into cooler mornings or evenings.
Something as simple as freshly squeezed lemon, ginger, and turmeric, served with hot water and honey can be made in as long as it takes to boil water.
Or, for comforting drinks with added benefits like reduced inflammation or digestive support we love adding adaptogens and herbs from Anima Mundi. Their Golden Moon Milk Latte is relaxing , restorative, and a perfect way to welcome fall. When a warming treat like this is awaiting you post chilly surf, it makes it a bit easier to get in the water!

We hope these simple ideas inspire you to harness the sweetness of this soothing season. Happy Autumn to you!