Surf Suits

We are proudly the pioneers of the original women's long-sleeved one-piece swimsuit.  Functional and feminine, our surf suits give you peace of mind so you can enjoy all your salty activities with confidence. Whether you're looking for UV protection from the sun on your tropical surf trip, paddle comfort for those long surf sessions, or simply, a stylishly comfortable swimsuit we've got you covered!



31 products
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Valentina Surf Suit - DelfinaValentina Surf Suit - Delfina
Regina One Piece - Muyr (RC-Skin)Regina One Piece - Muyr (RC-Skin)
Harper Surf Suit - Black (RC-Skin)Harper Surf Suit - Black (RC-Skin)
Valentina Surf Suit - SimiValentina Surf Suit - Simi
Harper Surf Suit - Narin (RC-Skin)Harper Surf Suit - Narin (RC-Skin)
Valentina Surf Suit - MandarinaValentina Surf Suit - Mandarina
Wanda Yulex Reversible Suit - Black/BlueWanda Yulex Reversible Suit - Black/Blue
Dara Surf Suit - Black (RC-Skin)Dara Surf Suit - Black (RC-Skin)
Valentina Surf Suit - LicoriceValentina Surf Suit - Licorice
Hermosa One Piece - BlackHermosa One Piece - Black
Harper Surf Suit - Wavelength (RC-SKIN)Harper Surf Suit - Wavelength (RC-SKIN)
multicolor na zare nazare bodysuit tigerlily swim bather womens swimsuits surfwearmulticolor na zare nazare bodysuit tigerlily swim bather womens swimsuits surfwear
Nazare Bodysuit - Ryde (RC-Skin)Nazare Bodysuit - Ryde (RC-Skin)
Hermosa One Piece - AlgaHermosa One Piece - Alga
Dara Surf Suit (RC-Skin) - MagmaDara Surf Suit (RC-Skin) - Magma
Valentina Surf Suit - LunataValentina Surf Suit - Lunata
Harper Surf Suit - EllaHarper Surf Suit - Ella
Hermosa One Piece - EllaHermosa One Piece - Ella
Harper Surf Suit - JazzberryHarper Surf Suit - Jazzberry
Swami's Playsuit - WellnessSwami's Playsuit - Wellness
Hermosa One Piece - SeaflowerHermosa One Piece - Seaflower
Hermosa One Piece - LuanaHermosa One Piece - Luana
Hermosa One Piece - GenoaHermosa One Piece - Genoa
Solanas Surf Suit - FreyaSolanas Surf Suit - Freya
Quinn Surf Suit - WindsorQuinn Surf Suit - Windsor
Mimi Surf Suit - AmosMimi Surf Suit - Amos
Solanas Surf Suit - AriaSolanas Surf Suit - Aria
Hermosa One Piece - AriaHermosa One Piece - Aria
Solanas Surf Suit - SolarisSolanas Surf Suit - Solaris

The Original Long Sleeve Swimsuit

Surf suits are long-sleeve bathers that are functional, comfortable, and sun protective.  Pioneered by Seea, these long-sleeve one-piece swimsuits combine retro inspired aesthetic with modern materials to help you feel confident and elegant in the lineup, or wherever you water adventures take you.

When choosing the best surf suit for your unique needs, you should first consider what is most important to you. Whether you're charging bigger waves, are a beginner who is new to surfing, or just looking for something that will keep you covered at the beach, we have the right surf suit for you. For ultimate UV protection, opt for a bodysuit that can be layered with a surf shirt, which will keep you completely shaded from the sun. If you want something technical that will help you stay out in the lineup longer, try the Harper or the Gaviotas surf suits, both made from recycled C-skin fabric for comfort and extra protection.